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Re: [新聞] 中華職棒即日起提供線上賽事重播服務
Aug 30th 2013, 22:03, by Sheng98


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[請益] 員林有人會用八門神器的嗎?
Aug 30th 2013, 22:38, by w9voteurs

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[猜謎] 猜動物
Aug 31st 2013, 00:11, by kingsbitch

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Re: [交易] nike慢跑鞋三雙
Aug 31st 2013, 01:53, by yungchin


※ 引述《yungchin (yungchin)》之銘言:
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[問題] 員工旅遊會去嗎
Aug 30th 2013, 23:37, by summer59
我是剛到職近兩個月 在十月份有員工旅遊 全額補助 可帶眷屬要加錢

因所處的部門男生居多且都是長輩(至少大我十五~二十歲吧) 所以與同事間不熟

且大部分都會帶眷屬去 要是你們會選擇去嗎 如果去可能只跟自己眷屬互動會很怪嗎
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[綜合] 淘寶行李秤-直寄/ez/便利包
Aug 30th 2013, 15:34, by stmkesl
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Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

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[轉讓] 淘寶白金天使牛仔外套風衣-EZ/郵寄/善導寺
Aug 30th 2013, 23:41, by iiichu

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批踢踢實業坊 Tech_Job 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

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Re: [面試] 廣達NB5好嗎?
Aug 30th 2013, 14:21, by fatboyslim35

是這樣的 小弟國立科大ME碩+學 目前退伍兩個禮拜了
這當中一直也一直都有面試 但目前只拿到這NB5機構OFFER
因為距離報到時間也只剩一個禮拜 薪水的話也差不多是接近在N+2
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[詢問] 摯友功能
Aug 31st 2013, 00:24, by witherer

有搜尋過版上的文章了 發現也有類似問題
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2012 Intl Green Construction Code

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[賣/中壢/面交] 三星 S3 白色 32G 保固中
Aug 29th 2013, 14:45, by timon
        拍賣物品:Samsung Galaxy SIII 白色 32G
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[衣飾] Gmarket 特價上衣-郵寄
Aug 31st 2013, 01:08, by meri
                       折扣中 有很多款式可以挑選:)

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Want to speak effortlessly in any situation?

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[轉讓] 夢想中牛津鞋-台南/EZ
Aug 30th 2013, 23:34, by r3035986

轉讓物品名稱:夢想中牛津鞋-女款42號 裸色
              鞋頭簡約邊 孔花滿天星 無內增高
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批踢踢實業坊 Tech_Job 板
Want to speak effortlessly in any situation?

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[請益] 鼎新vs全楙國際
Aug 29th 2013, 21:47, by yeah200077

請問鼎新電腦的系統工程師是否會常常加班或是有On Call的事情??
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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 澳洲打工渡假
澳洲打工渡假(australia working holiday)相關資訊 
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Aug 30th 2013, 09:19, by 伊小夏eva

交通便利的Bentley区 位于Zone 1,现有男女双人房各一个床位哦 男生双人房一个床位$95一周 水电瓦斯 全包 女生双人房一个床位$95一周 水电瓦斯 全包 都是独立的double bed(比single bed要宽一些,更加舒适哦),不是上下铺的那种 走五分钟就有一个IGA

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[無主] 韓版英倫復古學院風後背包
Aug 30th 2013, 19:22, by heartbeat
1. 購買物品介紹、網址:http://ppt.cc/PGct

2. 地點:直寄
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[無主] 學院風條紋針織衣及秋冬打底裙褲-直寄
Aug 30th 2013, 17:55, by candyshan
1. 購買物品介紹、網址:

http://ppt.cc/DgEH   學院風條紋針織上衣
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Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
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[綜合] 犯規超可愛多款造型隨身碟-EZ
Aug 30th 2013, 19:06, by meichai


 ※ 批價:卡通款16G~35rmb、32G~45rmb
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批踢踢實業坊 Chat82gether 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
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[轉讓] 淘寶快樂檸檬Slim bag in bag-台南/EZ/郵
Aug 30th 2013, 23:00, by sunapple0725

轉讓物品名稱:淘寶快樂檸檬 多功能收袋 Slim bag in bag 銀灰色(GRAY)
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[情報] COSTCO CLEAR洗髮乳兩大一小特價340元
Aug 30th 2013, 18:56, by iMlimilMi


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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 澳洲打工渡假
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Aug 30th 2013, 12:52, by 伊萊

sunnybank單人房,雙人房出租..9/1起 單人房一周120*雙人房一周100/人含水電網路,家具,交通便利。 我們也提供接機服務。 令外我們也提供牛奶,土司。 連絡方式line:holly2013電話:0423-588656

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