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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Dream of a beautiful home?

Dream Houses features beautifully designed houses, amazing interiors and the latest decorating trends. Subscribe today and start getting inspired.
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[閒聊] 有理伯炸裂
Sep 14th 2013, 12:05, by zzyyxx77
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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Compare Hotels

Find great prices for amazing hotels wherever your next destination may be. It's simple to search 100+ sites at once!
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Re: [閒聊] 不要挑戰 Y.Molina
Sep 14th 2013, 12:11, by CheerWesley


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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Buy Bulbs, Seeds, and Plants

Our mission is to bring you top quality flower bulbs, perennial plants and other horticultural products exclusively over the internet, at the most economical prices.
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[新聞] 表彰準名人堂終結者 金鶯送上離別祝福
Sep 14th 2013, 12:22, by terryex
[人物] 表彰準名人堂終結者 金鶯送上離別祝福

Rivera)最後一次以現役球員身份在美麗的巴爾的摩金鶯隊主場Camden Yards露面,因此
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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Manage your social media

Best social media tool for image publishing to Facebook and Twitter. Look amazing and delight your followers. Get 40% off when you sign up today.
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[Box ] 兄弟 9:3 E-DA (9/12 新莊)
Sep 14th 2013, 12:32, by jianoon
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R  H E    勝  投  陳鴻文(4-3)
BROTHERS        0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 9 13 0    敗  投   尼克 (1-2)
E-DA RHINOS     0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3  8 2    單場MVP 陳鴻文
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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Eco-Friendly Mattresses

We're committed to presenting a line of sleep products that have a minimum impact on both your pocketbook and the environment. Visit us today!
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[Box ] E-DA 4:1 統一 (9/13 澄清湖)
Sep 14th 2013, 12:39, by jianoon
                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R  H E   勝  投  林晨樺(13-6)
UNI-LIONS       0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1  5 0   敗  投  廖文揚(4-2)
E-DA RHINOS     0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 X 4 13 2   救  援   強克 (7)
                                           勝  打  林琨笙(2bot.)
                                           單場MVP 林晨樺
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Modern handmade. Stories from designers.
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[贈送] 全國 艾杜紗限量迷你美甲組
Sep 14th 2013, 11:36, by hsiulu
標題格式為 [贈送] 地點 物品
                 ^    ^   皆為空半格

◎贈送各式優惠票券,如:《 博客來 e-coupon 》者,請先參考置底文章
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批踢踢實業坊 give 板

Modern handmade. Stories from designers.
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[贈送] 板橋 玻璃貯存罐/餐墊/抱枕/毯子(已送出)
Sep 14th 2013, 11:21, by annasuee
物    品:玻璃貯存罐/餐墊/抱枕/毯子

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批踢踢實業坊 give 板

Modern handmade. Stories from designers.
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[贈送] 台北 像黑眼豆豆的麵包10個
Sep 14th 2013, 11:50, by funky0926
手機發文,沒有跑格式出來 ………抱歉

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批踢踢實業坊 give 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
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[贈送] 全國 義大犀牛主場門票兌換券
Sep 14th 2013, 11:54, by icyheart
物    品: 義大犀牛主場兌換券 2張

到期日(食品及美妝品請加上到期日): 2013年職棒例行賽結束前

領取地點: 郵寄, 台北市士林,北投可面交
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批踢踢實業坊 give 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
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[贈送] 政大 dirt devil乾濕兩用吸塵器
Sep 14th 2013, 11:55, by maxxine

物    品:dirt devil乾濕兩用吸塵器

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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
Eco-Friendly Mattresses

We're committed to presenting a line of sleep products that have a minimum impact on both your pocketbook and the environment. Visit us today!
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[問題] S2 輸入法切換方式?
Sep 14th 2013, 10:49, by jujin


只好上來求助~ >"<
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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
Buy Bulbs, Seeds, and Plants

Our mission is to bring you top quality flower bulbs, perennial plants and other horticultural products exclusively over the internet, at the most economical prices.
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[請益] 亞太+7吋平板!這樣划算嗎?
Sep 14th 2013, 10:57, by oneloveyou


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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
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[問題] 中華3G 383(33)費率快一年了,想加網路
Sep 14th 2013, 10:58, by hebe120859
之前出33費率的時候,我有辦了續約我是用3G 383(純通信用),這費率是前第一年月租


現在想加辦個1G-2G網路,平常在外面用LINE or FB or看即時新聞 看看股市行情會用到,
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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
Find SIGG's Classic Aluminum Water Bottles at MYSIGG

Reducing our carbon footprint one bottle at a time!
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[新聞] HTC One Max 傳僅採舊規格處理器
Sep 14th 2013, 10:59, by Lsamia

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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
Find SIGG's Classic Aluminum Water Bottles at MYSIGG

Reducing our carbon footprint one bottle at a time!
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[問題] 手機無法在菲律賓使用
Sep 14th 2013, 11:18, by htthgt
我用的手機是泛泰 A820L


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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
Manage your social media

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[問題] 蝴蝶機內用的記事本?
Sep 14th 2013, 11:23, by sanderwang
我用蝴蝶機 內建的記事本有鬧鈴提醒的嗎

我自己不斷地在找 沒有發現這個功能

還是我沒有發現而已 請問大家有推薦的軟體嗎
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批踢踢實業坊 Chat82gether 板
You Can Make a Difference

By planting ten trees and ensuring that all our clothing is produced responsibly we allow each and every customer to make a difference. Join us today!
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[轉讓] (降)淘寶MIUSA針織外套寬版 杏粉*1
Sep 14th 2013, 11:05, by amber123305

轉讓物品名稱:淘寶MIUSA針織外套寬版 杏粉*1
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批踢踢實業坊 Chat82gether 板
You Can Make a Difference

By planting ten trees and ensuring that all our clothing is produced responsibly we allow each and every customer to make a difference. Join us today!
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[轉讓/交換] 淘寶顯瘦韓版工裝褲-EZ
Sep 14th 2013, 11:15, by globeball

    黑L*1  卡其L*1(這色若有人願意跟我換M也可以)  軍綠L*1
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批踢踢實業坊 Chat82gether 板
Manage your social media

Best social media tool for image publishing to Facebook and Twitter. Look amazing and delight your followers. Get 40% off when you sign up today.
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[轉讓] 好穿不再胖胖工裝哈倫褲-EZ
Sep 14th 2013, 11:16, by globeball

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批踢踢實業坊 Chat82gether 板
You Can Make a Difference

By planting ten trees and ensuring that all our clothing is produced responsibly we allow each and every customer to make a difference. Join us today!
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[轉讓] 毛菇小象歐美清新風全館-ez/郵寄
Sep 14th 2013, 11:23, by luvpi

美尚黑白格子女雪衫 S號
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