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批踢踢實業坊 AllTogether 板
Want to speak effortlessly in any situation?

Actress Alexa Fisher will teach you tips that will set you on the road to success.
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[徵友] 台北 超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
Sep 16th 2013, 22:25, by elaine1981
徵一位朋友看 超世紀戰警:闇黑對決,
有興趣者請寄站內信~ ^^
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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
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[食記] [中西區] Aunt Stella's 詩特莉
Sep 16th 2013, 22:39, by wings30222
餐廳名稱: Aunt Stella's 詩特莉

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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
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[服飾] 板橋 NIKE Flex Experience RN 灰桃紅
Sep 16th 2013, 01:19, by nastasia
商品名稱:NIKE Flex Experience RN 灰桃紅 27.5
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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
Compare Hotels

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[食記] 一直的回憶,小荳荳鍋燒意麵與冰淇淋紅茶
Sep 17th 2013, 15:22, by meiyihsu
美味地圖-台南 小荳荳

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批踢踢實業坊 Kaohsiung 板
Find SIGG's Classic Aluminum Water Bottles at MYSIGG

Reducing our carbon footprint one bottle at a time!
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Fw: [認養] 高雄市/米克斯/妙妙
Sep 14th 2013, 18:39, by jessica52145
※ [本文轉錄自 dog 看板 #1ICzKC0- ]

作者: cimudog (木星) 看板: dog
標題: [認養] 超可愛一個多月的妙妙小浪浪
時間: Sat Sep 14 11:16:23 2013
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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
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[生活] 台北 GUCCI壓紋皮革扣環流蘇墜飾翻扣長夾
Sep 16th 2013, 09:22, by horace7377
商品名稱:GUCCI G-logo 壓紋皮革扣環 流蘇墜飾 翻扣長夾 小肩包 黑 附保證書
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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 台灣中部
Marketing Mobile Apps

This online course focuses on marketing efforts that will increase your app's exposure and establish a mobile app marketing plan. Enroll today for $99.
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Sep 17th 2013, 03:44, by honeywing

大家好! 11月1-4日我會2人行到台中玩4天, 正在努力編製行程, 大家可以幫手看看有沒有大問題嘛? * DAY 1 (星期五)* (11:45) - 到達台中機場 > (12:30) - 共乘車到清境 > (3pm) 民宿Check-in + 休息一會 > (4:30) 清境紙廂王 (加食下午茶) & 小瑞士花園 > (6pm) 回民宿 > 在民宿吃晚餐

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批踢踢實業坊 BuyTogether 板
Buy Bulbs, Seeds, and Plants

Our mission is to bring you top quality flower bulbs, perennial plants and other horticultural products exclusively over the internet, at the most economical prices.
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[綜合] Peter Paul有機冷壓椰子油-嘉義/民雄/ez
Sep 17th 2013, 16:40, by qi3qi3

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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
Manage your social media

Best social media tool for image publishing to Facebook and Twitter. Look amazing and delight your followers. Get 40% off when you sign up today.
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[服飾] 全國 韓國 帕夏V領百摺附腰帶渲染花洋裝
Sep 16th 2013, 19:08, by new0725
商品名稱:全新轉賣 Angel’s Shop 韓國 瑰麗帕夏V領百摺附腰帶渲染花洋裝
          原價1960元 五折出清
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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
Find SIGG's Classic Aluminum Water Bottles at MYSIGG

Reducing our carbon footprint one bottle at a time!
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[請問] FB如何隱藏生日?
Sep 16th 2013, 19:33, by tupacshkur


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批踢踢實業坊 Beauty 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
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[神人] 這位外國妹是誰?
Sep 15th 2013, 16:37, by xavier0513
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批踢踢實業坊 Kaohsiung 板
Manage your social media

Best social media tool for image publishing to Facebook and Twitter. Look amazing and delight your followers. Get 40% off when you sign up today.
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[協尋]愛河之心附近 白色中型犬 有項圈胸背袋
Sep 16th 2013, 09:01, by lucky1013

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批踢踢實業坊 AllTogether 板
Buy Bulbs, Seeds, and Plants

Our mission is to bring you top quality flower bulbs, perennial plants and other horticultural products exclusively over the internet, at the most economical prices.
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[徵女] 認真想相守的女生
Sep 17th 2013, 00:36, by mutohchi


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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
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[票券] 台中賣 花蓮藍天麗池.理想大地住宿券(內詳)
Sep 17th 2013, 13:00, by rockmas
商品名稱:花蓮 藍天麗池住宿券一張(價值$2000)
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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
Want to speak effortlessly in any situation?

Actress Alexa Fisher will teach you tips that will set you on the road to success.
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[生活] 高雄 告白DVD(松隆子主演)
Sep 16th 2013, 13:03, by wwjdjean
商品名稱:松隆子主演 告白DVD(雙碟)
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批踢踢實業坊 nb-shopping 板
Compare Hotels

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[選購] 請教購買文書機
Sep 16th 2013, 11:20, by pigers
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: █████████████ ヾ用途 ゝ常用軟體 ███████████████
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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
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[問題] 請問舊市區附近有稻田嗎
Sep 17th 2013, 14:32, by HanaAlice
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批踢踢實業坊 car 板
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Re: [討論] 三菱汽車的怪象
Sep 16th 2013, 00:23, by tentrydonnie
在台灣 三菱的貨車跟豐田的轎車 有相當類似的銷售方式

1.         veryca     vios/yaris
2.         delica     神A
3.         canter     camry
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批踢踢實業坊 Tech_Job 板
Dream of a beautiful home?

Dream Houses features beautifully designed houses, amazing interiors and the latest decorating trends. Subscribe today and start getting inspired.
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[請益] 台灣史丹利安防系統股份有限公司(美商)
Sep 16th 2013, 22:26, by faithmusic
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批踢踢實業坊 BuyTogether 板

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
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[衣飾] ICCASU雪靴-公館/景安(跟j大)
Sep 17th 2013, 09:58, by singim

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