背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 日本關西
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2013 夏日京都五日遊
Sep 5th 2014, 15:58, by bainianfong

這趟行程是去年自己參考了很多網路上的遊記和旅遊書安排出來的,但實際跑了之後還是覺得有可以修改的地方,提供給大家參考一下,也希望跟大家互相交流,看看是否能夠更臻完美。 此次行程的第五天原本想安排大阪購物,但因為花在京極通和市場的部分太多,結果整個上午就沒了。希望下次有機會能去大阪玩。 2013.8.15 搭乘廉價航空Jetstar,十一點左右抵達關西空港 關西空港→京都→伊勢丹百貨→弓矢小町旅社Check i...

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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
The Magnetic Memory Method.

Learn and Memorize the Vocabulary of Any Language Using the Magnetic Memory Method.
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[服飾] 全國 playboy 黑色膠框眼鏡(二手)
Sep 6th 2014, 00:03, by na99
商品名稱:PLAYBOY-時尚光學眼鏡 (共3色)PB85262,售黑色款
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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
Buy Bulbs, Seeds, and Plants

Our mission is to bring you top quality flower bulbs, perennial plants and other horticultural products exclusively over the internet, at the most economical prices.
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[交易] 搬家出清 吸塵器
Sep 6th 2014, 10:39, by ting8527

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批踢踢實業坊 joke 板
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100 shapes on sale, up to 40%, at Sur La Table!
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[趣事] 牛肉拌麵不加酸菜
Sep 4th 2014, 18:16, by EricChiu

我: 老闆 牛肉拌麵 不要酸菜
老闆: 好
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批踢踢實業坊 AllTogether 板
Crabtree & Evelyn.

Pamper yourself and save money with value size items on sale.
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[徵女] 台中~看電影
Sep 6th 2014, 10:56, by xunlei

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批踢踢實業坊 forsale 板
Buy Bulbs, Seeds, and Plants

Our mission is to bring you top quality flower bulbs, perennial plants and other horticultural products exclusively over the internet, at the most economical prices.
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[服飾] 全國 cherrykoko粉色連帽條紋洋裝 1元
Sep 5th 2014, 19:38, by jennyyu

商品名稱:【全新】Doris韓 粉色連帽淺灰條紋雪紡裙洋裝 Cherrykoko同款 (一元起標)
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批踢踢實業坊 AllTogether 板
Crabtree & Evelyn.

Pamper yourself and save money with value size items on sale.
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[徵友] 台北吃早午餐吧
Sep 6th 2014, 10:32, by driver1009


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批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
You Can Make a Difference

By planting ten trees and ensuring that all our clothing is produced responsibly we allow each and every customer to make a difference. Join us today!
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[食記] 宜蘭市台灣STYLE的早午餐店.城煌早餐
Sep 6th 2014, 10:32, by work2dog


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批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
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100 shapes on sale, up to 40%, at Sur La Table!
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[食記] 香港 香港仔魚蛋粉
Sep 6th 2014, 11:06, by otsukaai0928
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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 廣告專區
旅遊業者廣告放置,以及旅遊活動宣傳. 嚴禁非旅遊廣告. 
Eventbrite makes it happen

Create an event and sell tickets online through Eventbrite. It's simple! Sign up and get started today.
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Sep 6th 2014, 01:34, by slkaa0619

短期出租市中心一房間,地址:31 A'Beckett Street Melbourne,整個公寓只有兩間房間,目前住我跟我的RMIT男學生室友,但是我要回台灣,所以短期出租十天10/8-10/17,合約到十月十八號要搬走,我們沒有要續租了,有興趣繼續租的話也可以跟仲介再另外聯絡,傢俱可以且接送給你,十天租300,兩人住的話320,傢俱都有,歡迎約時間看房,有興趣請加line:RiverChu619,謝謝~

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