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[新聞] 高國輝、林智勝 逼近「布雷障礙」
May 13th 2015, 10:10, by asdfg5287
2015-05-13 03:49:06
聯合報 記者藍宗標/綜合報導

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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Re: [釣卡好]救援投手拿MVP
May 12th 2015, 22:57, by Keira1990
2005年  某一場象鯨戰

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[賣/台北/面交] 我續約中華輕鬆省333,您拿手機
May 12th 2015, 23:23, by shinyi831

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[轉讓] 九樓陽光九分褲黑XXL藍XL-ez/台中
May 13th 2015, 00:57, by vanillamor

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批踢踢實業坊 BuyTogether 板
[綜合] 鄭容和OFD日控DVD(BOICE盤)-台北/郵寄
May 12th 2015, 14:37, by sunnypeggie

   BOICE盤(含藍光盤) http://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/BJMS.html

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批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
Re: [新聞] 南鐵東移強徵民宅 賴清德的兩套標準
May 13th 2015, 09:42, by XBUCKXMR
南鐵東移強徵民宅 賴清德的兩套標準
南鐵東移威脅政府 自救會的兩套標準

作者: 朱淑娟 | 風傳媒 – 2015年5月12日 上午5:40
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[生活] Gucci 藍色牛仔緹花Sukey中型肩背包
May 13th 2015, 09:27, by CumCumCum
商品名稱:Gucci 藍色牛仔緹花Sukey中型肩背包
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批踢踢實業坊 Beauty 板
[正妹] 依然漂亮 3
May 13th 2015, 09:39, by joshia9527
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返台賣車 Toyota Camry
May 13th 2015, 02:14, by h12349188

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批踢踢實業坊 give 板
[贈送] 台北景美 未拆封過期化妝保養品
May 12th 2015, 12:49, by LeaLin

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