背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 香港
Apr 25th 2015, 03:01, by swallow1981

打算22/5/2015星期五下午前往長洲來個半日遊 由於今年長洲太平清醮包山節是訂在25/5 聽說太平清醮會有段期間全島完全吃素 不知道22/5這天長洲是否已經開始齋戒了呢??? 麻煩知道的朋友幫忙回覆~ 謝謝!!!

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[好雷] 復仇者聯盟2
Apr 27th 2015, 18:15, by Chantaljones
本篇有稍微提及劇情和結局  不過就是篇自嗨垃圾心得

想看有深度的討論 可以先離開XD~

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[拾獲] 有人在莒光號上遺失保溫杯嗎
Apr 27th 2015, 20:43, by herzaghi
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[分享]評測網站Photo Yodobashi之很多毒照
Apr 25th 2015, 22:06, by lote01
在photoblog.hk看到一篇文章介紹的網站Photo Yodobashi

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[食記] 苗栗 - 隨意肉圓
Apr 26th 2015, 02:32, by luckyb
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Re: [討論] 復仇者2-美國小亮哥要傳達概念(含雷)
Apr 28th 2015, 03:07, by mimily0504

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[衣飾] AppleNana鞋全館95折徵免運-台大/萬隆
Apr 27th 2015, 13:26, by nilovehere
(1)購買物品介紹、網址:AppleNana 台灣手工鞋
                       4/30前母親節全館95折 滿1800元免運

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Re: [正妹] 出賣自己
Apr 27th 2015, 23:17, by tdemezppur
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[綜合] line貼圖快速團即填即傳
Apr 25th 2015, 01:00, by smiledreamsy

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[台北] 英文行政助理(一年一簽)
Apr 27th 2015, 13:55, by shiuanyeh

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