批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
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[廣宣] 台北杭州南路 水牛城美式碳烤牛排餐廳
Nov 27th 2013, 16:10, by imetkr
營業時間:每日11:30 am - 2:00 pm, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 廣告專區
旅遊業者廣告放置,以及旅遊活動宣傳. 嚴禁非旅遊廣告. 
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墨爾本OAKLEIGH 近Monash Uni 兩校區 行李寄存$1.1/天起 3個月$100 日租房包早餐 0451 658 458
Nov 25th 2013, 12:40, by rosebud_july

行李寄存: 存取簽收,有人看管,安全可靠,隨時來放,隨時來取。 1個 80 CM高50CM寬 左右 飛機托運的箱子,按天算:$1.50 /天(存期在一個月以內), $1.20/天(存期在一個月以上),放整個暑假3個月$100。 小箱子(指可以提上飛機的箱子價格減半)。 箱子交存前請鎖住。 可以提供幫助收、運作李,運費5公里以內 $5, (存期在一個月以上免費),5公里以外另議。 住宿:(2013/11/25- 起) Oakl...

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批踢踢實業坊 mobilesales 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
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[賣/高雄/面交] iphone 4 16G 黑
Nov 26th 2013, 10:22, by tanoshijoy
        拍賣物品:iphone 4 16G 黑
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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 澳洲打工渡假
澳洲打工渡假(australia working holiday)相關資訊 
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2002年HOLDEN COMMODORE VX 3800cc 自排
Nov 27th 2013, 05:55, by u014076

<�買賣> 賣車 年份:2002 cc數:3800cc 排檔:自排 里程數:240,XXX km。 顏色:紅 售價:4500(含rwc和換車牌) 其它:手搖車窗電動調座椅和後照鏡

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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
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Re: [閒聊] 陳志祥
Nov 26th 2013, 19:48, by boyo
僅節錄片段   還真沒長進阿   這些垃圾記者

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批踢踢實業坊 Food 板
Want to speak effortlessly in any situation?

Actress Alexa Fisher will teach you tips that will set you on the road to success.
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[食記] 台北信義區Drip Cafe(好滴咖啡)
Nov 27th 2013, 09:48, by powerlion
   餐廳名稱:Drip Cafe(好滴咖啡)
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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
Upgrade your vanity.

Save up to 70% on bathroom vanities with factory-direct prices at Modern Bathroom!
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[請問] 修正液一直流出
Nov 27th 2013, 11:53, by atzc
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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 日本關西
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Nov 26th 2013, 16:39, by dollyyang1313

小女子第一次規畫行程自助旅行,12/4-12/8五天四夜的京阪遊,想請有經驗的大大幫我看一下這樣的行程OK嗎, D1(12/4) 12:00抵達關西機場→京都Brighton 飯店check in→東福寺→柢園商圈→錦市場→清水寺(賞夜楓) D2(12/5) 嵐山→小火車→常寂光寺→竹林步道→野宮神社→天龍寺→嵐山渡月橋→嵐山足湯→先斗町老街 D3(12/6) 岡本和服→銀閣寺地區→大阪廣場飯店check in→(使用大阪海遊券)搭乘瑪利亞號遊輪→海...

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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 澳洲打工渡假
澳洲打工渡假(australia working holiday)相關資訊 
Use GarageBand in Just 1 Hour

Learn to create music in GarageBand and become the Beethoven you've wanted to be. This online course is just $30. Sign up today!
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Nov 27th 2013, 09:24, by shania716

代po 工作位置: Parkdale (Frankston線)(大陸家庭,包食宿,有自己房間,有wifi) 工作內容: 1.煮飯(需會基本煮飯知識,不懂的部分可以問,女主人會教) 2.家庭清潔(吸地.擦塵.清潔廁所,廚房) 3.基本英文會話,偶爾要外出幫忙翻譯(ex.小baby去醫院打針、陪男主人去銀行之類的) 4.一起外出採買 5.年齡約25以上,有點工作經驗

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批踢踢實業坊 job 板
Want to speak effortlessly in any situation?

Actress Alexa Fisher will teach you tips that will set you on the road to success.
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[台北] 東慧公司代徵/SONY-101直營店門市人員
Nov 26th 2013, 13:39, by chih0927

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